Although Fresh Food Weekly won’t be doing fresh food deliveries for Easter this year, it doesn’t mean we stopped caring about the needs of our program recipients. Over the last two years, we’ve witnessed the price of food increase incrementally and these price increases haven’t stopped either. Did you know that Costco milk is now more expensive than Kawartha Dairy milk at wholesale!? Did you also know that when Costco Charmin toilet paper goes on sale, its sale price is $10 less than it was in early 2022? That means that Kirkland toilet paper is by far the cheapest toilet paper around.
When we closed down our biweekly delivery program in January 2024, there were 76 children enrolled on the program. Since we require our program recipients to provide proof of income, we know that these children won’t be visited by the Easter bunny this year unless friends or family step up to provide everything they need.
But as we all know, everyone’s feeling the pinch of inflation, even those with pretty good jobs.
We want to give members in our community who're in a position to make a difference in the lives of others, the opportunity to sponsor a child from the Fresh Food Weekly program with a Kid’s Easter Bunny Basket for $40 this year if they would like.
What’s Inside Our Easter Bunny Baskets?
Each Easter Bunny Basket will be matched to children by age and gender, and will include:
One easter basket, easter grass, clear wrapping and ribbon ($5-$6),
One gender and age appropriate toy (valued between $16 - $21), and
Chocolate Easter eggs and Easter candy (valued at around $13)
Here’s a short video of the Kid’s Easter baskets we included in our 2022 Easter Dinner Meal Box deliveries in 2022:
'Bunny Bait' Fundraiser
One of Fresh Food Weekly's donors, Angela LaRoque Savo, will also be donating one package of 'Bunny Bait' for every 'Kid's Easter Bunny Basket' as well!
After posting about these cute ‘Bunny Bait’ donations, some women started reaching out to Angela inquiring about buying some from her. This gave her the awesome idea of turning her 'Bunny Baits' into a little fundraiser for more Bunny Baskets!
So, if you would like to purchase some of these ‘Bunny Baits’ for your kids this Easter, you can send a personal message to Angela LaRoque Savo directly and let her know that you’re buying to support the Fresh Food Weekly program .
They are $4 each, and $2 will be donated towards getting more ‘Kid’s Easter Bunny Baskets’ for low-income families in Barrie and Innisfil.
When Are They Being Delivered?
The 2024 Kid's Easter Bunny Baskets will be delivered on Thursday, March 28, 2024 between 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
How Can I Receive One?
The number of baskets we give will depend on the number of sponsorships that come in. Leah will reach out to program recipients directly no later than March 26th to ask if they’d like an Easter basket and if so, that’s when she’ll get the updated age information for their child(ren).
How Can I Sponsor A Child With A Kid’s Easter Bunny Basket?
Fresh Food Weekly will be accepting sponsorships for Easter baskets until the end of day on March 25th, 2024. You can sponsor a low-income family that was previously on the Fresh Food Weekly program with a Kid’s Easter Bunny Basket this year for $40. You can sponsor by:
By PayPal or Credit Card through our website here.
By E-transfer to:
(***Make sure to also email Leah Dyck at: if you would like a charitable tax receipt for your sponsorship.***)
By Cheque to:
The VanDyck Foundation
507-380 Duckworth Street
Barrie, Ontario
L4M 6J8
(***Make sure the cheque is written out to The VanDyck Foundation.***)
Through CanadaHelps here.
How Can I Volunteer?
If volunteers are needed, we’ll make some social media posts closer to mid March with the specific details about the volunteer help we’ll need and when we’ll need it :).
If you have any questions about donating, fundraising or volunteering, please reach out to Leah by email at:
Thank you for making the lives of children a little bit better this Easter.
Leah Dyck
Founder, Fresh Food Weekly